Berita ini di lansir media online terkemuka di Indonesia detikdotcom, pada Kamis 14 Dec 2017, 16:39 WIB
Jakarta - Masyarakat diharapkan sangat berhati-hati sebelum berinvestasi. Satuan Tugas Penanganan Dugaan Tindakan Melawan Hukum di Bidang Penghimpunan Dana Masyarakat dan Pengelolaan Investasi atau Satgas Waspada Investasi mengumumkan 21 entitas yang diduga bodong.
Ketua Satgas Waspada Investasi Tongam L Tobing, menjelaskan entitas tersebut tidak memiliki izin usaha penawaran produk dan penawaran investasi sehingga berpotensi merugikan masyarakat karena imbal hasil atau keuntungan yang dijanjikan tidak masuk akal.
"Untuk terus melindungi konsumen dan masyarakat, Satgas Waspada Investasi meminta kepada masyarakat agar berhati-hati terhadap penawaran dan produk dari 21 entitas itu," ungkap Tongam dalam keterangan tertulisnya, Kamis (14/12/2017).
Berita ini di lansir media online terkemuka di Indonesia detikdotcom, pada Kamis 14 Dec 2017, 16:39 WIB
Jakarta - Masyarakat diharapkan sangat berhati-hati sebelum berinvestasi. Satuan Tugas Penanganan Dugaan Tindakan Melawan Hukum di Bidang Penghimpunan Dana Masyarakat dan Pengelolaan Investasi atau Satgas Waspada Investasi mengumumkan 21 entitas yang diduga bodong.
Ketua Satgas Waspada Investasi Tongam L Tobing, menjelaskan entitas tersebut tidak memiliki izin usaha penawaran produk dan penawaran investasi sehingga berpotensi merugikan masyarakat karena imbal hasil atau keuntungan yang dijanjikan tidak masuk akal.
"Untuk terus melindungi konsumen dan masyarakat, Satgas Waspada Investasi meminta kepada masyarakat agar berhati-hati terhadap penawaran dan produk dari 21 entitas itu," ungkap Tongam dalam keterangan tertulisnya, Kamis (14/12/2017).
Berikut 21 entitas yang dimaksud:
6:50 PM
Apa itu leverage dan margin ?
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konsep leverage dan margin adalah dasar yang penting untuk menjadi seorang
trader yang serius. Karena banyak sekali trader yang hancur karena tidak
memahami konsep sebenarnya dari leverage dan margin.
umum kebanyakkan orang mendefinisikan leverage atau daya ungkit sebagai
pinjaman yang diberikan oleh broker kepada clientnya, dalam hal ini adalah
trader. Sebenarnya kurang tepat juga apabila leverage diperlakukan seperti
layaknya ‘pinjaman’ biasa, karena sebenarnya broker tidak pernah meminjamkan
apapun kepada trader, dan trader tidak membayar kembali ‘pinjaman’ tersebut.
Leverage lebih tepat jika dianggap seperti sebuah ‘penjaminan’ yang dilakukan
broker atas clientnya(trader) terhadap liquidatornya(interbank).
Jika leverage
diterapkan dengan benar maka, leverage dapat meningkatkan profitabilitas trading
kita. Sebaliknya jika kita memanfaatkan leverage secara serampangan maka,
leverage dapat menghancurkan kita lebih cepat. Itulah sebabnya leverage sering
dianalogikan sebagai pedang bermata dua.
seseorang memutuskan untuk berinvestasi dan melakukan trading di pasar forex,
ia harus terlebih dahulu membuka rekening trading melalui suatu broker.
Biasanya, jumlah leverage yang disediakan bervariasi dari 1:1, 1:50, 1:200,
1:500, hingga 1:2000, tergantung pada fasilitas yang disediakan oleh broker. Seperti
yang kita ketahui standar perdagangan dilakukan dalam satuan 100.000 unit mata
uang, sehingga untuk perdagangan tersebut, secara normal atau tanpa leverage
untuk melakukan transaksi tersebut kita membutuhkan modal sebesar 100.000 USD.
Tidak banyak orang yang mampu melakukan hal itu. Oleh karenanya untuk
mengakomodir minat orang yang begitu besar terhadap pasar forex, broker-broker
berlomba untuk memberi leverage. Tujuannya hanya satu, yaitu agar orang-orang
dapat ikut berpartisiasi secara langsung di pasar forex dengan kemampuan modal
yang sesuai dengan kocek mereka.
hal itu penting ? karena semakin banyak jumlah partisipan pada pasar forex maka,
pasar akan semakin liquid. Semakin banyak jumlah transaksi yang terjadi di
pasar forex, artinya semakin banyak jumlah uang yang berputar setiap harinya,
dan aliran uang tersebut sangat penting untuk perputaran roda ekonomi dunia.
pembahasan lebih lanjut terlebih dahulu kita perlu mengetahui juga tentang
balance dan equity.
adalah saldo akhir/final pada rekening trader ketika tidak ada lagi transaksi trading
yang terbuka. Sedangkan equity adalah balance bergerak(floating balance), yaitu
jumlah balance dikurangi atau ditambah nilai nominal dari semua transaksi
trading yang sedang terbuka.
adalah sejumlah dana yang kita sisihkan pada broker sebagai suatu bukti
persyaratan bahwa kita mampu untuk menutupi kerugian transaksi yang mungkin
terjadi kelak. Atau secara mudahnya, margin dapat diartikan sebagai jumlah dana
yang diperlukan untuk membuka suatu transaksi trading. Margin dihitung dengan
rumus sebagai berikut :
untuk pair dengan USD sebagai base curenccy(USD/XXX)
= (lot x 100.000) / leverage
untuk pair dengan USD sebagai counter currency(XXX/USD)
= (harga saat itu x (lot x 100.000)) / leverage
kita membeli EUR/USD pada harga 1,3000 dengan lot 0,1 dan leverage akun trading
kita adalah 1:500 maka, Margin =
(1,3000 x (0,1 x 100.000)) / 500 = 26 USD
diketahui, bahwa margin hanyalah sebuah persyaratan saja, bukan suatu biaya
untuk melakukan transaksi, artinya pada contoh diatas, margin sejumlah 26 USD
tersebut tidak akan mengurangi balance kita.
margin bebas(free margin)
bebas atau free margin adalah sisa equity yang masih bisa digunakan untuk
melakukan transaksi lain. Margin bebas dapat dihitung dengan rumus sebagai
berikut :
bebas = equity – margin yang telah terpakai
equity kita saat ini sebesar 500 USD dan margin yang telah terpakai untuk transaksi
sebelumnya adalah 26 USD maka, margin bebas = 500 – 26 = 474 USD
margin level
level adalah persentase perbandingan antara jumlah equity dengan jumlah margin.
Margin level dapat dihitung dengan rumus sebagai berikut :
level = (total equity / total margin terpakai) x 100
total equity kita saat ini adalah 650 USD, dan total margin yang telah terpakai
sebelumnya adalah 26 USD maka, Margin level = (650 / 26) x 100
= 2500%
margin call
margin call
margin level mencapai 100% , artinya equity yang kita miliki sama besar dengan
total margin yang telah terpakai. Dengan kata lain, TIDAK ADA sisa equity yang
dapat digunakan untuk membuka transaksi baru.
Margin call adalah keadaan saat
margin level kurang dari 100% dan mendekati nilai stop out level. Ketika margin
call terjadi maka form order transaksi pada platform trading biasanya akan
ditandai dengan warna merah.
stop out
stop out
trader pemula seringkali salah kaprah dalam membedakan antara margin call
dengan stop out. Stop out adalah keadaan dimana margin level sama dengan atau
kurang dari stop out level.
Ketika stop out terjadi maka broker akan MENUTUP
SEMUA TRANSAKSI SECARA PAKSA. Stop out level setiap broker berbeda-beda, dan
biasanya untuk jenis akun yang berbeda maka akan berbeda pula nilai stop out
out level adalah kebijakkan masing-masing broker. Biasanya stop out level
berkisar dari angka 20% hingga 50%, namun tidak menutup kemungkinan ada pula
broker yang memberi batasan stop out level dibawah 20%. Stop out level adalah
bentuk proteksi broker terhadap dirinya sendiri juga terhadap clientnya, untuk
menghindari terjadinya keadaan dimana kerugian trader melebihi modalnya. Namun
pada prakteknya terkadang jika terjadi pergerakkan harga yang sangat deras dan
tiba-tiba, kerugian bisa melebihi jumlah modal/balance, biasanya hal itu dapat
terjadi ketika ada impact news yang teramat dahsyat.
konsep leverage dan margin adalah dasar yang penting untuk menjadi seorang
trader yang serius. Karena banyak sekali trader yang hancur karena tidak
memahami konsep sebenarnya dari leverage dan margin.
umum kebanyakkan orang mendefinisikan leverage atau daya ungkit sebagai
pinjaman yang diberikan oleh broker kepada clientnya, dalam hal ini adalah
trader. Sebenarnya kurang tepat juga apabila leverage diperlakukan seperti
layaknya ‘pinjaman’ biasa, karena sebenarnya broker tidak pernah meminjamkan
apapun kepada trader, dan trader tidak membayar kembali ‘pinjaman’ tersebut.
Leverage lebih tepat jika dianggap seperti sebuah ‘penjaminan’ yang dilakukan
broker atas clientnya(trader) terhadap liquidatornya(interbank).
Jika leverage
diterapkan dengan benar maka, leverage dapat meningkatkan profitabilitas trading
kita. Sebaliknya jika kita memanfaatkan leverage secara serampangan maka,
leverage dapat menghancurkan kita lebih cepat. Itulah sebabnya leverage sering
dianalogikan sebagai pedang bermata dua.
seseorang memutuskan untuk berinvestasi dan melakukan trading di pasar forex,
ia harus terlebih dahulu membuka rekening trading melalui suatu broker.
Biasanya, jumlah leverage yang disediakan bervariasi dari 1:1, 1:50, 1:200,
1:500, hingga 1:2000, tergantung pada fasilitas yang disediakan oleh broker. Seperti
yang kita ketahui standar perdagangan dilakukan dalam satuan 100.000 unit mata
uang, sehingga untuk perdagangan tersebut, secara normal atau tanpa leverage
untuk melakukan transaksi tersebut kita membutuhkan modal sebesar 100.000 USD.
Tidak banyak orang yang mampu melakukan hal itu. Oleh karenanya untuk
mengakomodir minat orang yang begitu besar terhadap pasar forex, broker-broker
berlomba untuk memberi leverage. Tujuannya hanya satu, yaitu agar orang-orang
dapat ikut berpartisiasi secara langsung di pasar forex dengan kemampuan modal
yang sesuai dengan kocek mereka.
hal itu penting ? karena semakin banyak jumlah partisipan pada pasar forex maka,
pasar akan semakin liquid. Semakin banyak jumlah transaksi yang terjadi di
pasar forex, artinya semakin banyak jumlah uang yang berputar setiap harinya,
dan aliran uang tersebut sangat penting untuk perputaran roda ekonomi dunia.
pembahasan lebih lanjut terlebih dahulu kita perlu mengetahui juga tentang
balance dan equity.
adalah saldo akhir/final pada rekening trader ketika tidak ada lagi transaksi trading
yang terbuka. Sedangkan equity adalah balance bergerak(floating balance), yaitu
jumlah balance dikurangi atau ditambah nilai nominal dari semua transaksi
trading yang sedang terbuka.
adalah sejumlah dana yang kita sisihkan pada broker sebagai suatu bukti
persyaratan bahwa kita mampu untuk menutupi kerugian transaksi yang mungkin
terjadi kelak. Atau secara mudahnya, margin dapat diartikan sebagai jumlah dana
yang diperlukan untuk membuka suatu transaksi trading. Margin dihitung dengan
rumus sebagai berikut :
untuk pair dengan USD sebagai base curenccy(USD/XXX)
= (lot x 100.000) / leverage
untuk pair dengan USD sebagai counter currency(XXX/USD)
= (harga saat itu x (lot x 100.000)) / leverage
kita membeli EUR/USD pada harga 1,3000 dengan lot 0,1 dan leverage akun trading
kita adalah 1:500 maka, Margin =
(1,3000 x (0,1 x 100.000)) / 500 = 26 USD
diketahui, bahwa margin hanyalah sebuah persyaratan saja, bukan suatu biaya
untuk melakukan transaksi, artinya pada contoh diatas, margin sejumlah 26 USD
tersebut tidak akan mengurangi balance kita.
margin bebas(free margin)
bebas atau free margin adalah sisa equity yang masih bisa digunakan untuk
melakukan transaksi lain. Margin bebas dapat dihitung dengan rumus sebagai
berikut :
bebas = equity – margin yang telah terpakai
equity kita saat ini sebesar 500 USD dan margin yang telah terpakai untuk transaksi
sebelumnya adalah 26 USD maka, margin bebas = 500 – 26 = 474 USD
margin level
level adalah persentase perbandingan antara jumlah equity dengan jumlah margin.
Margin level dapat dihitung dengan rumus sebagai berikut :
level = (total equity / total margin terpakai) x 100
total equity kita saat ini adalah 650 USD, dan total margin yang telah terpakai
sebelumnya adalah 26 USD maka, Margin level = (650 / 26) x 100
= 2500%
margin call
margin call
margin level mencapai 100% , artinya equity yang kita miliki sama besar dengan
total margin yang telah terpakai. Dengan kata lain, TIDAK ADA sisa equity yang
dapat digunakan untuk membuka transaksi baru.
Margin call adalah keadaan saat
margin level kurang dari 100% dan mendekati nilai stop out level. Ketika margin
call terjadi maka form order transaksi pada platform trading biasanya akan
ditandai dengan warna merah.
stop out
stop out
trader pemula seringkali salah kaprah dalam membedakan antara margin call
dengan stop out. Stop out adalah keadaan dimana margin level sama dengan atau
kurang dari stop out level.
Ketika stop out terjadi maka broker akan MENUTUP
SEMUA TRANSAKSI SECARA PAKSA. Stop out level setiap broker berbeda-beda, dan
biasanya untuk jenis akun yang berbeda maka akan berbeda pula nilai stop out
out level adalah kebijakkan masing-masing broker. Biasanya stop out level
berkisar dari angka 20% hingga 50%, namun tidak menutup kemungkinan ada pula
broker yang memberi batasan stop out level dibawah 20%. Stop out level adalah
bentuk proteksi broker terhadap dirinya sendiri juga terhadap clientnya, untuk
menghindari terjadinya keadaan dimana kerugian trader melebihi modalnya. Namun
pada prakteknya terkadang jika terjadi pergerakkan harga yang sangat deras dan
tiba-tiba, kerugian bisa melebihi jumlah modal/balance, biasanya hal itu dapat
terjadi ketika ada impact news yang teramat dahsyat.
Sumber :
10:54 AM
Apa Itu Trading Forex?
Trading Forex adalah perdagangan mata uang dari negara yang berbeda. Forex ini adalah singkatan dari Foreign Exchange (Pertukaran mata uang). Sebuah contoh dari perdagangan forex adalah membeli Euro (mata uang Eropa), sementara secara bersamaan menjual USD (mata uang Amerika), bisa disingkat EUR/USD.
Dalam bayangan orang awam, trading forex adalah kegiatan menukarkan uang di Money Changer, jual beli mata uang asing secara manual yang dilakukan melalui money changer. Padahal, trading forex berbeda dengan transaksi manual seperti di Money Changer. Umumnya, tujuan seseorang untuk membeli dan menjual uang di Money Changer adalah karena kebutuhan untuk menukarkan mata uang untuk bertransaksi di suatu negara.
Sedangkan trading forex dilakukan dilakukan secara online dengan tujuan mendapatkan keuntungan. Perlu dipahami, trading forex adalah aktivitas bisnis, investasi, bahkan bisa menjadi profesi. Trading Forex online dengan tujuan mendapatkan keuntungan seperti itu dilakukan dengan perantaraan broker forex.
Prinsip trading forex online pada dasarnya sama dengan jual beli uang di Money Changer. Keuntungan trading forex bisa didapatkan dari selisih harga beli dan harga jual. Misalnya, kita membeli Dolar AS sebanyak $100 pada saat nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap Dolar berada pada nilai Rp13,250. Rupiah yang kita keluarkan untuk mendapatkan $100 tersebut menjadi Rp1,325,000.
Seminggu kemudian, Dolar AS makin kuat hingga nilai tukarnya menjadi Rp13,300. Seorang trader akan menjual $100 yang dia punya dengan nilai tukar minggu ini. Jadi dia dapat untung Rp50,000, karena orang yang ingin membeli $100-nya harus mengeluarkan Rupiah sebanyak Rp1,300,000.
Nah, bisnis trading forex online melakukan itu semua tidak secara fisik. Mereka bertransaksi di dunia maya melalui wadah yang disebut dengan software atau platform trading.
Pasar Forex Berbeda dengan pasar tradisional. Karena disini yang diperdagangkan adalah mata uang, maka pasarnya (tempat para pedagang/pelaku pasar melakukan jual beli) disebut dengan pasar forex. Siapa saja pelaku pasar forex ini? sangat beragam: bisa bank-bank multinasional, perusahaan besar, negara, institusi, spekulan, dsb.
Mengingat lingkup dan pelakunya yang global, pasar forex ini menjadi sangat menarik dan menguntungkan. Kenapa? Saking globalnya, pasar forex menjadi pasar uang yang paling besar ($4 Triliun /Hari), dan sangat likuid (bisa jual dan beli dengan harga pasar berapapun jumlahnya). Pasar forex juga buka 24 jam non stop karena perbedaan waktu dunia. Sehingga, kita bisa melakukan trading kapanpun sesuai dengan waktu luang kita.
Selain itu, pasar forex tidak memiliki lokasi fisik secara khusus. Di sinilah fungsi platform trading yang disebut di atas. Platform trading mendeskripsikan kondisi pasar forex. Proses transaksi trading forex online bisa terjadi secara cepat dan dalam jumlah yang sangat besar pula. Tujuan Trading Forex Secara sederhana, tujuan trading forex adalah untuk meraih profit dari naik dan turunnya nilai tukar mata uang. Kondisi pasar dan harga dalam pasar forex bergerak dengan sangat dinamis, dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu dengan cepat menanggapi peristiwa-peristiwa baik itu ekonomi, politik, perang, bencana, dsb.
Khusus untuk negara-negara dengan ekonomi maju dan kuat seperti AS atau Jepang, sedikit saja ada informasi sensitif, maka harga mata uangnya bisa bergerak naik turun. Hal inilah yang oleh para trader dilihat sebagai suatu kesempatan dan peluang untuk melakukan perdagangan.
Peluang Trading Forex Internet sudah membuat banyak sekali revolusi dalam dunia perdagangan, termasuk dalam dunia trading forex. Dengan internet, trading forex sekarang bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja.
Dulu, trading forex hanya bisa dilakukan oleh Big Player (bank, negara, institusi) saja. Namun, sekarang semua orang bisa trading. Anda dan saya pun bisa trading forex online dengan mudah dan dengan modal sekecil 10 Dolar saja.
Resiko Forex Forex bagaikan pedang bermata dua. Dengan forex dapat membuat kita cepat menjadi kaya, namun kebalikannya dengan sekejap juga dapat mengikis habis modal kita. Tak peduli apakah forex Anda anggap sebagai investasi atau sebagai perdagangan biasa, yang jelas forex memiliki resiko yang tinggi. Jadi pahami benar resiko dalam forex dan jangan sampai salah langkah.
Penting Untuk Dicatat Pasar Forex adalah pasar terbesar dan paling likuid di dunia. Trading Forex bisa dilakukan kapan saja, 24 jam sehari. Senin sampai Jumat. Dimulai dari:
Pasar Australia (Sydney) jam 05.00 - 14.00 WIB.
Lalu ke pasar Asia (Tokyo) yaitu Jepang, Hongkong & Singapura jam 07.00 - 16.00 WIB.
Lalu ke pasar Eropa yaitu Jerman dan Inggris (London) jam 13.00 - 22.00 WIB.
Pasar Amerika (New York) jam 20.00 - 05.00 (esoknya).
Dengan perkembangan terkini (Internet), trading forex bisa dilakukan secara online (dimanapun) dengan bantuan laptop maupun gadget seperti ponsel pintar.
Forex bisa cepat membuat Anda kaya atau miskin. Karena resiko yang besar ini, Anda harus bijak dan benar mengerti forex seutuhnya sebelum Anda memutuskan terjun di dalamnya. Jika mantap ingin bertrading forex, maka ada baiknya berlatih dahulu dengan akun demo. Akun demo merupakan rekening di broker forex yang memungkinkan Anda bertrading dengan dana virtual (bukan uang sungguhan), tetapi grafik nilai tukar (harga) tetap sesuai dengan kondisi pasar yang sebenarnya.
Sumber : www.seputarforex.comlarosfx9:57 AMCB BloggerIndonesia
Trading Forex adalah perdagangan mata uang dari negara yang berbeda. Forex ini adalah singkatan dari Foreign Exchange (Pertukaran mata uang). Sebuah contoh dari perdagangan forex adalah membeli Euro (mata uang Eropa), sementara secara bersamaan menjual USD (mata uang Amerika), bisa disingkat EUR/USD.
Dalam bayangan orang awam, trading forex adalah kegiatan menukarkan uang di Money Changer, jual beli mata uang asing secara manual yang dilakukan melalui money changer. Padahal, trading forex berbeda dengan transaksi manual seperti di Money Changer. Umumnya, tujuan seseorang untuk membeli dan menjual uang di Money Changer adalah karena kebutuhan untuk menukarkan mata uang untuk bertransaksi di suatu negara.
Sedangkan trading forex dilakukan dilakukan secara online dengan tujuan mendapatkan keuntungan. Perlu dipahami, trading forex adalah aktivitas bisnis, investasi, bahkan bisa menjadi profesi. Trading Forex online dengan tujuan mendapatkan keuntungan seperti itu dilakukan dengan perantaraan broker forex.
Prinsip trading forex online pada dasarnya sama dengan jual beli uang di Money Changer. Keuntungan trading forex bisa didapatkan dari selisih harga beli dan harga jual. Misalnya, kita membeli Dolar AS sebanyak $100 pada saat nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap Dolar berada pada nilai Rp13,250. Rupiah yang kita keluarkan untuk mendapatkan $100 tersebut menjadi Rp1,325,000.
Seminggu kemudian, Dolar AS makin kuat hingga nilai tukarnya menjadi Rp13,300. Seorang trader akan menjual $100 yang dia punya dengan nilai tukar minggu ini. Jadi dia dapat untung Rp50,000, karena orang yang ingin membeli $100-nya harus mengeluarkan Rupiah sebanyak Rp1,300,000.
Nah, bisnis trading forex online melakukan itu semua tidak secara fisik. Mereka bertransaksi di dunia maya melalui wadah yang disebut dengan software atau platform trading.
Pasar Forex Berbeda dengan pasar tradisional. Karena disini yang diperdagangkan adalah mata uang, maka pasarnya (tempat para pedagang/pelaku pasar melakukan jual beli) disebut dengan pasar forex. Siapa saja pelaku pasar forex ini? sangat beragam: bisa bank-bank multinasional, perusahaan besar, negara, institusi, spekulan, dsb.
Mengingat lingkup dan pelakunya yang global, pasar forex ini menjadi sangat menarik dan menguntungkan. Kenapa? Saking globalnya, pasar forex menjadi pasar uang yang paling besar ($4 Triliun /Hari), dan sangat likuid (bisa jual dan beli dengan harga pasar berapapun jumlahnya). Pasar forex juga buka 24 jam non stop karena perbedaan waktu dunia. Sehingga, kita bisa melakukan trading kapanpun sesuai dengan waktu luang kita.
Selain itu, pasar forex tidak memiliki lokasi fisik secara khusus. Di sinilah fungsi platform trading yang disebut di atas. Platform trading mendeskripsikan kondisi pasar forex. Proses transaksi trading forex online bisa terjadi secara cepat dan dalam jumlah yang sangat besar pula. Tujuan Trading Forex Secara sederhana, tujuan trading forex adalah untuk meraih profit dari naik dan turunnya nilai tukar mata uang. Kondisi pasar dan harga dalam pasar forex bergerak dengan sangat dinamis, dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu dengan cepat menanggapi peristiwa-peristiwa baik itu ekonomi, politik, perang, bencana, dsb.
Khusus untuk negara-negara dengan ekonomi maju dan kuat seperti AS atau Jepang, sedikit saja ada informasi sensitif, maka harga mata uangnya bisa bergerak naik turun. Hal inilah yang oleh para trader dilihat sebagai suatu kesempatan dan peluang untuk melakukan perdagangan.
Peluang Trading Forex Internet sudah membuat banyak sekali revolusi dalam dunia perdagangan, termasuk dalam dunia trading forex. Dengan internet, trading forex sekarang bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja.
Dulu, trading forex hanya bisa dilakukan oleh Big Player (bank, negara, institusi) saja. Namun, sekarang semua orang bisa trading. Anda dan saya pun bisa trading forex online dengan mudah dan dengan modal sekecil 10 Dolar saja.
Resiko Forex Forex bagaikan pedang bermata dua. Dengan forex dapat membuat kita cepat menjadi kaya, namun kebalikannya dengan sekejap juga dapat mengikis habis modal kita. Tak peduli apakah forex Anda anggap sebagai investasi atau sebagai perdagangan biasa, yang jelas forex memiliki resiko yang tinggi. Jadi pahami benar resiko dalam forex dan jangan sampai salah langkah.
Penting Untuk Dicatat Pasar Forex adalah pasar terbesar dan paling likuid di dunia. Trading Forex bisa dilakukan kapan saja, 24 jam sehari. Senin sampai Jumat. Dimulai dari:
Pasar Australia (Sydney) jam 05.00 - 14.00 WIB.
Lalu ke pasar Asia (Tokyo) yaitu Jepang, Hongkong & Singapura jam 07.00 - 16.00 WIB.
Lalu ke pasar Eropa yaitu Jerman dan Inggris (London) jam 13.00 - 22.00 WIB.
Pasar Amerika (New York) jam 20.00 - 05.00 (esoknya).
Dengan perkembangan terkini (Internet), trading forex bisa dilakukan secara online (dimanapun) dengan bantuan laptop maupun gadget seperti ponsel pintar.
Forex bisa cepat membuat Anda kaya atau miskin. Karena resiko yang besar ini, Anda harus bijak dan benar mengerti forex seutuhnya sebelum Anda memutuskan terjun di dalamnya. Jika mantap ingin bertrading forex, maka ada baiknya berlatih dahulu dengan akun demo. Akun demo merupakan rekening di broker forex yang memungkinkan Anda bertrading dengan dana virtual (bukan uang sungguhan), tetapi grafik nilai tukar (harga) tetap sesuai dengan kondisi pasar yang sebenarnya.
Sumber :
9:57 AM
Momentun trading CCI, ADX with LWMA
Submit by Harris
Momentum fast trading is a trend-momentum strategy for intraday and swing trading
based on CCI, ADX , Laguerre filter and two LWMA. The pourpose of this strategy is catch part of a trend. Here there are two versions the only difference is the type of ADX.
Momentum fast trading is a trend-momentum strategy for intraday and swing trading
based on CCI, ADX , Laguerre filter and two LWMA. The pourpose of this strategy is catch part of a trend. Here there are two versions the only difference is the type of ADX.
Pips Strikes is a template created for filter, in the best way, the arrows and curves indicator. This is an system for intraday trading and is setting only for 15 min time frame. This strategy is trend following.
Time frame 15 min.
Currency pairs: majors.
Metatrader indicators:
MT4 background,
Currency power,
Pivots D black,
Arrows & Curves,
MT 4 Gann SW (30 min) MTF .(this indicator repaint one bar because is the 30 min tf),
Deep Bar Indicator (this indicator does not repaint.)
Trading rules Pips Striker
Arrows & Curves Buy arrow filtered by
Gann blue bar
Deep Bar Indicator blue bar .
Currency power > 55 % optional.
Arrows & Curves sell arrow filtered by
Gann red bar
Deep bar Indicator red bar.
Currency power > 55 % optional.
The filter system designed to arrow Arrows & Curves is suitable because it is a slow arrow. For more filter you can only use the signals of the London session and New York.
Exit at opposite arrow or at the pivot point levels.
Place initial stop loss on the previous high/low swing.
Pips Strikes is a template created for filter, in the best way, the arrows and curves indicator. This is an system for intraday trading and is setting only for 15 min time frame. This strategy is trend following.
Time frame 15 min.
Currency pairs: majors.
Metatrader indicators:
MT4 background,
Currency power,
Pivots D black,
Arrows & Curves,
MT 4 Gann SW (30 min) MTF .(this indicator repaint one bar because is the 30 min tf),
Deep Bar Indicator (this indicator does not repaint.)
Trading rules Pips Striker
Arrows & Curves Buy arrow filtered by
Gann blue bar
Deep Bar Indicator blue bar .
Currency power > 55 % optional.
Arrows & Curves sell arrow filtered by
Gann red bar
Deep bar Indicator red bar.
Currency power > 55 % optional.
The filter system designed to arrow Arrows & Curves is suitable because it is a slow arrow. For more filter you can only use the signals of the London session and New York.
Exit at opposite arrow or at the pivot point levels.
Place initial stop loss on the previous high/low swing.
Forex Ultra is a trend momentum system based on more indicators that are a solid filter false signals.
The following explanation is a translate from the russian make with google translate.
Time Frtame 5 min or higher.
Currency pairs: majors.
In Figure 1, you see a graph of the FOREX Trading system. Each element of the system is numbered and described below.
Forex Ultra
1) "FOREX Trading Entry Arrows with Alerts". Before starting the transaction settings, you will see a large arrow that appears when the candle is closed. The arrow is pointing towards the alleged deal, the green arrow is up for purchase, and the red arrow is down for sale. Depending on the readings of the other indicators, this arrow may not be a signal to enter.
2) "FOREX Trading Buy Sell Pressure # 1 and Buy Sell Pressure # 2". They are based on the use of
Price and momentum. When opening a trade it is necessary that these indicators are consistent with Entry Arrows with Alerts and other indicators. How the indicators are "coordinated" will be considered further.
3) FOREX Trading Fast Trend. It is necessary that it be consistent with Entry Arrows with Alerts and other indicators before opening a position. The indicator FOREX System Fast Trend should not be above or below the zero line to generate a signal, it should be just the right color.
4) FOREX Trading Trend Power. This window in the FOREX System interface is not used to define the trading entry. This indicator gives us an idea of whether the pair is currently in a trend state or in a lateral phase. The principle of working with this indicator on all time ranges, before daylight is very simple. A gray number with a tilde below 23, which appears behind the indicator, means that the pair is in a sideways trend (goes up and down in a small range) in a particular timeframe. A pair that is in the range is not a good pair for trading, it is unlikely that good signals will be generated on it. A red or green number with a diagonal arrow means that the trend is currently gaining momentum in this time range in the direction of the arrow. The larger the number following the arrow, the stronger the trend. Changing the value up or down corresponds to the strengthening or weakening of the trend. This indicator is based on ADX.
5) FOREX Trading ADR. This indicator automatically calculates the average daily range of the currency pair. Although we do not use this information to determine the entry points and exits, it is necessary for us to determine the size of the position (lot) when trading a particular currency pair. Along with the current average daily range, you see the history of the previous 1.5, 10 and 20 day ranges. ADR also displays the current daily high or low and the approximate possible up or down movement within the range.
6. "FOREX Trading 'Real Price' and Channel". This combination of indicators displays the "actual" price of the pair in the form of a straight line, as well as the channel of the deviations of the moving averages. He also draws red and green dots on the blue line of "real price" when closing the candle, if the current trend is strong.
7) FOREX Trading Support and Resistance. This indicator is a real treasure. He automatically puts on the schedule the last levels of support and resistance. Instead of applying these lines manually, you can rely on the indicator. Support and resistance levels are excellent levels for fixing profit on positions if the pair is not traded in a rigid range and to predict breakdowns. FOREX System Support and Resistance automatically draws the current Fibonacci levels and on the right side of the chart. Fibonacci levels are used by traders to predict the movement of prices.
8) FOREX Trading Clock. This indicator shows us the time in Tokyo, London and New York - the three main trading areas of the currency roar. Since most brokers work with GMT, for many it is difficult to calculate the necessary time. Using the Forex System Clock indicator will help you to find out which markets are open and in which part of the day in different shopping areas we are located. Also in the top line, we see the calculation of your broker's current spread. This is very useful if your broker changes the spread at certain times of the day or at the time of exiting
News. Also, the clock shows you how much time has passed since the beginning of the candle being formed.
9) FOREX Trading Multi-Trend. This indicator uses the algorithm of tracking price movement on several time ranges and determining the strength and direction of the current trend of the pair. Thick red and green bars signal a strong trend, while thin light green and light red bars signal a weakening of the trend and a possible change in direction.
10) FOREX Trading Oscillators. These indicators are based on the algorithm for combining so-called oscillators (such as RSI, Momentum and Stochastic) in order to show the conditions of overbought and oversold over time bands larger than the one on which we trade.
Note: When you change the time range on the chart, you need to reload the template so that it matches the new time ranges, otherwise the chart will display incorrect oscillators. Forex Trading Oscillators always show (from top to bottom) the current time range and the next three higher time ranges. On the left, in the indicator window, the time range is visible.
11) There is no indicator at number 11 on the chart, however, if you look at the background of the chart, you will see different colors. This background is adjusted using the indicator "FOREX Trading i-ParamonWorkTime". This indicator allows you to select certain time zones of the day. I highlight the European (London) and New York sessions, since it is during these sessions that the largest volume of trades is registered. You can adjust this indicator at your discretion by changing the beginning and end of the time interval.
Now let's move on to the rules of the FOREX Trading trading system.
Trading plan FOREX Trading.
You can trade any currency pair with this system, but it works best with the main currency pairs (EUR / USD, USD / CHF, USD / JPY, GBP / USD) on small time bands - 15 or 30 minutes. You can also trade on 5-minute charts, but you should remember the fact that there is a lot of noise on this time range, which will lead to an increase in the number of losing trades. You can also trade other currency pairs, but the major currency pairs seem to give the best combination of volume and stability for this system.
Open positions than using 30-minute and hourly charts, however on them you will receive much more false signals. You need to determine your predisposition to risk and then choose a time range. Personally, I prefer to trade on 15-minute charts.
Since this system is an intraday system, it is better for you to choose the watch with the largest volume for trading. It is about the European and the first hours of the New York sessions (approximately from 11.00 pm and 1.00 Moscow time). If you can not trade at this time, you can try to trade in pairs, which include the Japanese yen during the Tokyo session (starting at 2:00 Moscow time). During this session it is better to trade pairs such as USD / JPY and EUR / JPY.
If you are new to Forex, you should start with one of the four major currency pairs (EUR / USD, GBP / USD, USD / JPY, USD / CHF) and focus on it. You can find out how the currency pair behaves and how it reacts to economic reports, having worked with it for a certain time. If you have learned how to trade a currency pair, choose another one. Practice, therefore, until you learn how to trade several currency pairs simultaneously. However, the limitations of your processor can limit the number of traded currency pairs, since FOREX Trading requires a lot of "brains" for constant calculations. If you see that the computer "slows down" or "hangs", then you will have to close some of the graphs.
There is only one simple login in this system. FS Alert Arrow, FS Buy / Sell Pressure, FS Fast Trend, FS Multi-Trend and FS Oscillator must match when the candle is closed. In other words, for a sale transaction, we must observe the RED indicator of the Forex_ Trading Entry Arrows with Alerts on the chart, all other indicators must also be RED. FS Oscillator can be bright red or dark red. The opposite is true for a purchase transaction. GREEN arrow The Forex_ Trading Entry Arrows with Alerts must match the green color of the other indicators.
It is worth noting that not necessarily all four conditions must be observed at the same time. You need to wait until all indicators turn red or green. However, if the wait takes too long (several hours or more) after the Forex_Travel Entry Arrows with Alerts signal, then perhaps you should skip this deal.
The faster the indicators are the same, the higher the probability that you will enter into a lucrative deal with a large price move. However, remember: you can not fly faster than a bullet, you need to wait until all the indicators are the same, although this is psychologically difficult. Indicators are designed in such a way as to filter false movements and protect the trader from losing trades. It is better to lose a few pips at the very beginning of the movement than to open a losing trade. Indicator FOREX Trading Fast Trend must not cross the zero line. In FOREX Trading signal is not the intersection of the zero line, but the color of this indicator.
So, after the arrow of the indicator FS Entry Arrows with Alerts appeared, we should check the indications of other indicators. If all the indicators are consistent, then we accept the signal to the input. In the first case, after the appearance of the red arrow, none of the indicators confirmed the signal. In this case, you can not open a sell order. Then a green arrow appeared. All the indicators quickly turned green. We open this position. As a result of several hours, it could bring you about 60 pips, and at the end of the day more than 100 pips.
Remember: the indicators can change color in any order, but in any case do not open the position until all conditions are met and the candle is not closed!
A few thoughts about the entrances.
You can trade on the FOREX Trading system at any time, however the probability of success increases or decreases depending on the time of day when you trade. The largest volume of trading falls on the European and New York sessions (03: 00-17: 00 EST). At the same time, the largest volume is reached when trades in these two financial centers intersect, i.e. Approximately from 09:00 to 12:00 EST. The more time ranges we use (for example, 4-hour or day-time), the less important is the time factor for us. However, on short-term time frames, such as hour or less, the time of day can have a big impact on your transactions. The slowest movements during the day on Forex occur between the closing of trading in New York (16-17 EST) and the opening of trading in Tokyo (19-20 EST), and even after that the volume of trading is still very thin compared to the European session.
You also need to take into account such a factor as economic news for the country or currency pair that you are trading. In the period preceding the main news releases (data on the US labor market, decisions on accounting rates), the volume, as a rule, decreases. The publication of news itself can cause a "price shock" if the news was unexpected (not the same,
As economists predicted). These situations can reduce the reliability of the FOREX System indicators, so you should be careful when opening positions before or after the release of news releases.
It is also not recommended to trade on holidays and weekends. And we are talking about all the holidays, not just about the holidays of the country in which you live. If a holiday in England, and you live in the US, it is quite possible that you will simply lose time (and maybe money) by trading during the European session. On holidays, the trading volume is significantly reduced, as banks are closed, although the market itself can work. In economic calendars along with news releases are holidays.
Exit rules.
Unlike entry rules, which consist of only one item, the outputs in the FOREX Trading system have several alternatives. Moreover, there are several elements that are provided at your choice.
Output option 1. Support and resistance output.
Exit rule 1 is used only under certain conditions. When you open a position, pay attention to the level of the indicator FS Support or Resistance, which will be your profit target. If the distance from the entry level is sufficient (30-40 pips or more depending on the currency pair), you can select this level (support / resistance level) as the profit target. If the support or resistance is close to the entry point, then the reason for this is that the pair has consolidated in a narrow range and signals a breakdown of this range. Breakout deals are usually the best deals, as you can earn a big profit. A breakdown in the level of support or resistance usually means that movement can occur at 75, 100, 150 pips before colliding with the next support or resistance level. You need to understand this, so as not to set the automatic take-profit at a distance of 15-20 pips from the entrance, when you can earn hundreds of pips. Figure 3 shows an example of the correct use of FS Support or Resistance for determining the profit target.
Note that at the time of entry to the next resistance level, the distance was almost 60 pips. For a 15-minute chart, that's a lot. This is quite a suitable distance in order to establish at this level an automatic profit target, placing a sell order at this level. Of course, there is no guarantee that the price will reach this level, but there is a high probability that if the price goes in the direction of the position it will reach this level before it turns in the opposite direction. When you set profit using the FS Support and Resistance indicator, remember that the price should be subtracted from the spread of the currency pair. In this case, we have a spread of 3 pips, so you need to subtract it from the profit goal. I usually subtract a few more pips from the target than the spread to make sure that the price does not close to the level without reaching it).
Of course, the price can go through this level of resistance and continue moving in your direction, however, a profit of 60 pips on one transaction is an excellent goal and it is better to exit with this profit. Look at chart 3, notice how during the next 15-20 candles the price touched the resistance level several times, but did not break it. On this transaction, you earned the maximum possible number of pips, closing it at the resistance level.
Exit option 2. Using a combination of the indicator Buy / Sell Pressure and FS Multi-Trend
Another way to exit is to exit when you change the color of the Buy / Sell Pressure and FS Multi-Trend indicators. This output signal is discretionary. A more conservative trader can close a position if two or three Buy / Sell Pressure # 1 bars have changed color, even if Buy / Sell Pressure # 2 has not changed color. If you are more susceptible to risk, you can wait for a change in the color of Buy / Sell # 2 or Multi-Trend. I usually wait for the color change Buy / Sell Pressure # 1
And FS Multi-Trend on the same bar. I ALWAYS close the position if Buy / Sell # 1 and Buy / Sell # 2 change the color at the same time.
Forex Ultra is a trend momentum system based on more indicators that are a solid filter false signals.
The following explanation is a translate from the russian make with google translate.
Time Frtame 5 min or higher.
Currency pairs: majors.
In Figure 1, you see a graph of the FOREX Trading system. Each element of the system is numbered and described below.
Forex Ultra
1) "FOREX Trading Entry Arrows with Alerts". Before starting the transaction settings, you will see a large arrow that appears when the candle is closed. The arrow is pointing towards the alleged deal, the green arrow is up for purchase, and the red arrow is down for sale. Depending on the readings of the other indicators, this arrow may not be a signal to enter.
2) "FOREX Trading Buy Sell Pressure # 1 and Buy Sell Pressure # 2". They are based on the use of
Price and momentum. When opening a trade it is necessary that these indicators are consistent with Entry Arrows with Alerts and other indicators. How the indicators are "coordinated" will be considered further.
3) FOREX Trading Fast Trend. It is necessary that it be consistent with Entry Arrows with Alerts and other indicators before opening a position. The indicator FOREX System Fast Trend should not be above or below the zero line to generate a signal, it should be just the right color.
4) FOREX Trading Trend Power. This window in the FOREX System interface is not used to define the trading entry. This indicator gives us an idea of whether the pair is currently in a trend state or in a lateral phase. The principle of working with this indicator on all time ranges, before daylight is very simple. A gray number with a tilde below 23, which appears behind the indicator, means that the pair is in a sideways trend (goes up and down in a small range) in a particular timeframe. A pair that is in the range is not a good pair for trading, it is unlikely that good signals will be generated on it. A red or green number with a diagonal arrow means that the trend is currently gaining momentum in this time range in the direction of the arrow. The larger the number following the arrow, the stronger the trend. Changing the value up or down corresponds to the strengthening or weakening of the trend. This indicator is based on ADX.
5) FOREX Trading ADR. This indicator automatically calculates the average daily range of the currency pair. Although we do not use this information to determine the entry points and exits, it is necessary for us to determine the size of the position (lot) when trading a particular currency pair. Along with the current average daily range, you see the history of the previous 1.5, 10 and 20 day ranges. ADR also displays the current daily high or low and the approximate possible up or down movement within the range.
6. "FOREX Trading 'Real Price' and Channel". This combination of indicators displays the "actual" price of the pair in the form of a straight line, as well as the channel of the deviations of the moving averages. He also draws red and green dots on the blue line of "real price" when closing the candle, if the current trend is strong.
7) FOREX Trading Support and Resistance. This indicator is a real treasure. He automatically puts on the schedule the last levels of support and resistance. Instead of applying these lines manually, you can rely on the indicator. Support and resistance levels are excellent levels for fixing profit on positions if the pair is not traded in a rigid range and to predict breakdowns. FOREX System Support and Resistance automatically draws the current Fibonacci levels and on the right side of the chart. Fibonacci levels are used by traders to predict the movement of prices.
8) FOREX Trading Clock. This indicator shows us the time in Tokyo, London and New York - the three main trading areas of the currency roar. Since most brokers work with GMT, for many it is difficult to calculate the necessary time. Using the Forex System Clock indicator will help you to find out which markets are open and in which part of the day in different shopping areas we are located. Also in the top line, we see the calculation of your broker's current spread. This is very useful if your broker changes the spread at certain times of the day or at the time of exiting
News. Also, the clock shows you how much time has passed since the beginning of the candle being formed.
9) FOREX Trading Multi-Trend. This indicator uses the algorithm of tracking price movement on several time ranges and determining the strength and direction of the current trend of the pair. Thick red and green bars signal a strong trend, while thin light green and light red bars signal a weakening of the trend and a possible change in direction.
10) FOREX Trading Oscillators. These indicators are based on the algorithm for combining so-called oscillators (such as RSI, Momentum and Stochastic) in order to show the conditions of overbought and oversold over time bands larger than the one on which we trade.
Note: When you change the time range on the chart, you need to reload the template so that it matches the new time ranges, otherwise the chart will display incorrect oscillators. Forex Trading Oscillators always show (from top to bottom) the current time range and the next three higher time ranges. On the left, in the indicator window, the time range is visible.
11) There is no indicator at number 11 on the chart, however, if you look at the background of the chart, you will see different colors. This background is adjusted using the indicator "FOREX Trading i-ParamonWorkTime". This indicator allows you to select certain time zones of the day. I highlight the European (London) and New York sessions, since it is during these sessions that the largest volume of trades is registered. You can adjust this indicator at your discretion by changing the beginning and end of the time interval.
Now let's move on to the rules of the FOREX Trading trading system.
Trading plan FOREX Trading.
You can trade any currency pair with this system, but it works best with the main currency pairs (EUR / USD, USD / CHF, USD / JPY, GBP / USD) on small time bands - 15 or 30 minutes. You can also trade on 5-minute charts, but you should remember the fact that there is a lot of noise on this time range, which will lead to an increase in the number of losing trades. You can also trade other currency pairs, but the major currency pairs seem to give the best combination of volume and stability for this system.
Open positions than using 30-minute and hourly charts, however on them you will receive much more false signals. You need to determine your predisposition to risk and then choose a time range. Personally, I prefer to trade on 15-minute charts.
Since this system is an intraday system, it is better for you to choose the watch with the largest volume for trading. It is about the European and the first hours of the New York sessions (approximately from 11.00 pm and 1.00 Moscow time). If you can not trade at this time, you can try to trade in pairs, which include the Japanese yen during the Tokyo session (starting at 2:00 Moscow time). During this session it is better to trade pairs such as USD / JPY and EUR / JPY.
If you are new to Forex, you should start with one of the four major currency pairs (EUR / USD, GBP / USD, USD / JPY, USD / CHF) and focus on it. You can find out how the currency pair behaves and how it reacts to economic reports, having worked with it for a certain time. If you have learned how to trade a currency pair, choose another one. Practice, therefore, until you learn how to trade several currency pairs simultaneously. However, the limitations of your processor can limit the number of traded currency pairs, since FOREX Trading requires a lot of "brains" for constant calculations. If you see that the computer "slows down" or "hangs", then you will have to close some of the graphs.
There is only one simple login in this system. FS Alert Arrow, FS Buy / Sell Pressure, FS Fast Trend, FS Multi-Trend and FS Oscillator must match when the candle is closed. In other words, for a sale transaction, we must observe the RED indicator of the Forex_ Trading Entry Arrows with Alerts on the chart, all other indicators must also be RED. FS Oscillator can be bright red or dark red. The opposite is true for a purchase transaction. GREEN arrow The Forex_ Trading Entry Arrows with Alerts must match the green color of the other indicators.
It is worth noting that not necessarily all four conditions must be observed at the same time. You need to wait until all indicators turn red or green. However, if the wait takes too long (several hours or more) after the Forex_Travel Entry Arrows with Alerts signal, then perhaps you should skip this deal.
The faster the indicators are the same, the higher the probability that you will enter into a lucrative deal with a large price move. However, remember: you can not fly faster than a bullet, you need to wait until all the indicators are the same, although this is psychologically difficult. Indicators are designed in such a way as to filter false movements and protect the trader from losing trades. It is better to lose a few pips at the very beginning of the movement than to open a losing trade. Indicator FOREX Trading Fast Trend must not cross the zero line. In FOREX Trading signal is not the intersection of the zero line, but the color of this indicator.
So, after the arrow of the indicator FS Entry Arrows with Alerts appeared, we should check the indications of other indicators. If all the indicators are consistent, then we accept the signal to the input. In the first case, after the appearance of the red arrow, none of the indicators confirmed the signal. In this case, you can not open a sell order. Then a green arrow appeared. All the indicators quickly turned green. We open this position. As a result of several hours, it could bring you about 60 pips, and at the end of the day more than 100 pips.
Remember: the indicators can change color in any order, but in any case do not open the position until all conditions are met and the candle is not closed!
A few thoughts about the entrances.
You can trade on the FOREX Trading system at any time, however the probability of success increases or decreases depending on the time of day when you trade. The largest volume of trading falls on the European and New York sessions (03: 00-17: 00 EST). At the same time, the largest volume is reached when trades in these two financial centers intersect, i.e. Approximately from 09:00 to 12:00 EST. The more time ranges we use (for example, 4-hour or day-time), the less important is the time factor for us. However, on short-term time frames, such as hour or less, the time of day can have a big impact on your transactions. The slowest movements during the day on Forex occur between the closing of trading in New York (16-17 EST) and the opening of trading in Tokyo (19-20 EST), and even after that the volume of trading is still very thin compared to the European session.
You also need to take into account such a factor as economic news for the country or currency pair that you are trading. In the period preceding the main news releases (data on the US labor market, decisions on accounting rates), the volume, as a rule, decreases. The publication of news itself can cause a "price shock" if the news was unexpected (not the same,
As economists predicted). These situations can reduce the reliability of the FOREX System indicators, so you should be careful when opening positions before or after the release of news releases.
It is also not recommended to trade on holidays and weekends. And we are talking about all the holidays, not just about the holidays of the country in which you live. If a holiday in England, and you live in the US, it is quite possible that you will simply lose time (and maybe money) by trading during the European session. On holidays, the trading volume is significantly reduced, as banks are closed, although the market itself can work. In economic calendars along with news releases are holidays.
Exit rules.
Unlike entry rules, which consist of only one item, the outputs in the FOREX Trading system have several alternatives. Moreover, there are several elements that are provided at your choice.
Output option 1. Support and resistance output.
Exit rule 1 is used only under certain conditions. When you open a position, pay attention to the level of the indicator FS Support or Resistance, which will be your profit target. If the distance from the entry level is sufficient (30-40 pips or more depending on the currency pair), you can select this level (support / resistance level) as the profit target. If the support or resistance is close to the entry point, then the reason for this is that the pair has consolidated in a narrow range and signals a breakdown of this range. Breakout deals are usually the best deals, as you can earn a big profit. A breakdown in the level of support or resistance usually means that movement can occur at 75, 100, 150 pips before colliding with the next support or resistance level. You need to understand this, so as not to set the automatic take-profit at a distance of 15-20 pips from the entrance, when you can earn hundreds of pips. Figure 3 shows an example of the correct use of FS Support or Resistance for determining the profit target.
Note that at the time of entry to the next resistance level, the distance was almost 60 pips. For a 15-minute chart, that's a lot. This is quite a suitable distance in order to establish at this level an automatic profit target, placing a sell order at this level. Of course, there is no guarantee that the price will reach this level, but there is a high probability that if the price goes in the direction of the position it will reach this level before it turns in the opposite direction. When you set profit using the FS Support and Resistance indicator, remember that the price should be subtracted from the spread of the currency pair. In this case, we have a spread of 3 pips, so you need to subtract it from the profit goal. I usually subtract a few more pips from the target than the spread to make sure that the price does not close to the level without reaching it).
Of course, the price can go through this level of resistance and continue moving in your direction, however, a profit of 60 pips on one transaction is an excellent goal and it is better to exit with this profit. Look at chart 3, notice how during the next 15-20 candles the price touched the resistance level several times, but did not break it. On this transaction, you earned the maximum possible number of pips, closing it at the resistance level.
Exit option 2. Using a combination of the indicator Buy / Sell Pressure and FS Multi-Trend
Another way to exit is to exit when you change the color of the Buy / Sell Pressure and FS Multi-Trend indicators. This output signal is discretionary. A more conservative trader can close a position if two or three Buy / Sell Pressure # 1 bars have changed color, even if Buy / Sell Pressure # 2 has not changed color. If you are more susceptible to risk, you can wait for a change in the color of Buy / Sell # 2 or Multi-Trend. I usually wait for the color change Buy / Sell Pressure # 1
And FS Multi-Trend on the same bar. I ALWAYS close the position if Buy / Sell # 1 and Buy / Sell # 2 change the color at the same time.